The best time of day to train to be truly effective

In the morning, afternoon, or just at night? What is the best time of day to train whether it's a short routine or an extensive workout? Each sports fan has his individual preferences and must adapt to the circumstances of his daily life. However, each moment of the day has its advantages and disadvantages in terms of effectiveness.

According to the Federal Ministry of Health, a healthy adult must be physically active for at least 150 to 300 minutes per week . But many people simply fail to integrate the exercise they urgently need into their daily lives or cannot find the right time in their daily routine. But there are certainly arguments that help you find the best time of day to train.


Time of Day to Work Out - Morning: Early Bird Workout Benefits

Many athletes are already out and about before the sun rises: runners can make their laps undisturbed in quiet parks , cyclists have the streets to themselves. But does morning exercise really add anything? This occurs with a workout in the morning:


Exercising on an empty stomach leads to higher fat intake . Therefore, exercising on an empty stomach is more effective for weight loss than on a full stomach. However, if you have circulatory problems, you should at least eat a small healthy snack like nuts before your workout.


According to a study by the Appalachian State University in the state of North Carolina (United States), subjects slept better at night if they had exercised in the morning . The result is that morning exercise improves your sleep phase at night.


If you get up and do sports while others are still sleeping, you have already finished your training. So it can no longer happen that you have to cut your training due to schedule changes. If you plan your training in the morning, it will keep you better in the routine and achieve more effective results in the long term.


Time of Day to Work Out - Afternoon or Evening: That's how useful post-lunch training is.

Those who manage to get in a workout between work and dinner can expect higher calorie intake , according to a study published on Therefore, afternoon sports are especially suitable for people who want to lose weight.


The level of the stress hormone cortisol is also much lower in the afternoon and evening than it is in the morning. This helps the testosterone necessary for muscle building to promote unhindered strength gains.


The muscles also benefit from a workout after 12 noon. These then have already had a few hours to warm up, are more flexible and less prone to injury.


However, the following applies: “The best time to train is the one that helps you persevere and diversify your training, ” says Fabio Comana, training physiologist and lecturer at San Diego State University and the National Academy of Sports Medicine. , in Forbes Magazine. For some, that could mean finishing their workout as early in the day as possible. Others, on the other hand, only find time and rest when they have completed all the other tasks of the day.


In addition to individual daily life, personal preferences also play a role, according to the expert. The best thing to do is to try it yourself and spread your training over a two-week period at different times of the day. This way you can probably better see what effect the time of day has on your training.


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