Psychological benefits of living in a rural setting

Living in a rural environment is increasingly on the rise . Weekend getaways to places surrounded by nature are in full growth, despite the cultural offer that the city can provide is much more varied.

The rural environment has limited resources in terms of cultural and labor offerings, not to mention others, such as internet access. However, life in the rural environment enriches in other aspects, such as contact with nature and personal relationships. Do you know the benefits of living in a rural environment?


Advantages and disadvantages of living in a rural environment

More and more people are leaving the city to the background to seek a less accelerated pace of life and without the commitments that the city entails. Making the decision to live in a rural environment involves weighing priorities at the expense of the limitations that may arise . Here are the main advantages and disadvantages:


Woman looking at a village


The advantages of living in a rural environment can be summarized in the following points:


The economic cost of a home is usually cheaper. Furthermore, life in rural areas is often cheaper than in the city.


Social relationships are usually closer between members of the community.

Long trips and public transport are relegated to walking, providing health benefits and saving time.

The diet is usually healthier as it is more dependent on the garden and seasonal foods. It is true that ultra-processed foods are still in small businesses, but not with the same availability as in the city.

The natural space helps to transmit calm . It allows the person to be in contact with a variety of stimuli without reaching the collapse that can sometimes be suffered in crowded cities (noise, traffic, air quality, rush, etc.).

Rural work tends to be more collaborative , leaving out job hierarchy, competition between members, and individual job responsibilities.

It helps the repopulation of certain territories , where their inhabitants are older, saving in great occasions the abandonment of the towns.


The disadvantages that living in a rural environment can have are summarized here:


Access to technological means and the use of networks may be limited.

As for administrative procedures, on some occasions it will be mandatory to go to the city. Now, thanks to the Internet, the frequency is less and less.

Access to medical assistance can be more inconvenient than in the city. This is of special relevance for those who suffer from some type of chronic illness whose medical visits are frequent and mandatory.


The labor and leisure offer, unlike the city, is more limited.

Psychological benefits of living in a rural setting

Despite the inconveniences, there are not a few who make the decision to turn their lives around and opt for a rural life. Living in a rural environment provides the serenity that, sometimes, is not found in the city .


Moreover, the fact that the network connections are limited encourages communication with the people of the community, something that from the beginning has been the dynamics of the towns.


The sense of belonging , focused on the social relationships between members and contact with nature, avoids the feeling of isolation and unwanted loneliness, in addition to other emotional disorders.


Living in a rural environment is therefore a factor of social protection against the feeling of loneliness . There are benefits not only from communication with other people but also from the disposition of nature at any time. This favors anchoring in the present moment, enjoying the sensations that the environment can bring to the person (from the food products it provides to the sensations it gives).


Benefits in the elderly

Older people can benefit from the entry of new members to the area. With the entry of these, the rejuvenation of the rural environment becomes remarkable, in addition to the possibility of increasing the resources of the town and the entry of children.



More important is the company that can be made to these people, in addition to the help that can be provided. As has been written in previous lines, rural settings are areas where social relationships are fortified, and this is an ace in favor for older people


Boy with grandfather picking fruits

Social relationships in childhood

The rural settings provide children more freedom to move around larger places. The towns, being safer environments, favor being able to go out, play sports and interact with their peers without such great vigilance compared to what they may need in a city.


Ecologically speaking, rural settings can increase children's sensitivity and awareness of the environment. This makes it instigates care strategies towards the environment, favoring future behaviors for a sustainable environment.


In short, there are multiple benefits of living in a rural environment, benefiting all people regardless of age. However, making the decision to live in a rural environment also implies evaluating the resources available to the environment to be aware of the disadvantages that would have to be dealt with 365 days a year.


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